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Other Projects

(various other collaborations & projects)


Longstanding, ongoing duo with Seymour Wright - actual and potential saxophone Paul Abbott - real and imaginary drums

& collaborations with Pat Thomas, Anne Gillis, Kavain Wayne Space (RP Boo) and Container.


duo with Micheal Speers - drums, synthetic sounds Paul Abbott - drums, synthetic sounds

X Ray Hex Tet

“is an on-going collaboration between: Billy Steiger - celeste and violin Crystabel Riley - drums Edward George - words and music Pat Thomas - piano and electronics Paul Abbott - drums and synthetic sounds Seymour Wright - alto saxophone (actual and potential) Together they explore the edge, and nexus, of sound and word.”

The Creaking Breeze Ensemble

with Evie Ward - voice Ute Kanngiesser - cello Billy Steiger - vioin, piano Seymour Wright - alto saxophone Paul Abbott - acoustic drums, synthetic sound & Nathaniel Mackey - voice, readings, vinyl

with Keira Greene

Sound for moving image works by artist-filmmaker Keira Greene

with Will Holder

collaborations with artist typographer Will Holder


trio with Seymour Wright - alto saxophone Daichi Yoshikawa - electronics Paul Abbott - acoustic drums, synthetic sounds


collaboration with artist Cara Tolmie


Cesura was formed in 2014 as a place to think through the politics of music. The first issue was published in 2014. They have since held workshops, talks, radio shows, and put on gigs exploring the politics of music, poetry and performance. Cesura//Acceso was founded by Paul Abbott and Gabriel Humberstone; co-edited additionally by Cara Tolmie, Christina Chalmers, Anthony Iles and Larne Abse Gogarty.